Technology in our view

How to Solve Cannot Display The Folder Outlook?

Have you ever encountered an error saying “Cannot display the folder? Microsoft Outlook cannot access the specified folder location”?  Don’t worry, This article helps you resolve the Microsoft Outlook cannot display the folder error in no time. When the “Microsoft Outlook cannot display the folder” error occurs, your Outlook might not work properly. Sometimes, all the folders might disappear, and when you try to open any folder in Outlook, you get an error message saying “Cannot display the folder”. This[…]

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Solved – ‘Unable to display images’ Error in Sony Camera

Consider a situation where you are trying to view images on your Sony camera. Some pictures open just fine while some others throw an error ‘Unable to display images’ when you click on them. If you are someone facing this kind of situation, this article will help you as we provide some helpful solutions to resolve the error. Reasons for the error ‘Unable to display images’ in Sony camera Listed below are some of the possible reasons for the error[…]

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How to Repair Invalid Zip Files using Command Prompt?

Although Zip files are known for their reliability and effective compression technique, they are not free of issues. You will often face errors such as ‘Invalid Zip file’, ‘CRC errors’ etc. and in this article, our focus is on ‘Invalid Zip file’. To resolve these errors, one effective way is to download or get another copy of the Zip file. This will help you solve the issue in many cases. However, in cases when you can’t get another copy of[…]

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How to Extract Audio from MP4 Video File Using VLC Player?

A video is the most used up form of content today. You can find videos on almost every topic; thanks to YouTube, Vimeo and hundreds of such sites. But at times, you may find that it is not always convenient to watch them if you don’t have enough time. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could listen to the content without the video? This way you could listen while you are commuting to work, while grocery shopping or at any[…]

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How to Fix “Getting Windows ready, don’t turn off your computer” Problem

How to Fix “Getting Windows ready, don’t turn off your computer” Problem

After updating Windows, you may encounter a message ‘Getting Windows ready, don’t turn off your computer’. Usually, this goes off after a while, but sometimes it stays for a longer time and your computer gets stuck at the same screen. This poses a problem as you cannot access your PC during this time. To help you resolve the error, we’ll provide you with some helpful tips in this article. Solution 1: Wait for 1-2 hours If your screen is stuck[…]

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