Broken Zip File Repair Tool

ZIP is the file extension that is provided to all the versions of ZIP applications. Zip tool commonly known as WinZip software does the job of compressing different types of files and folders in a single file. There are many reasons why most of the users prefer zipping their files. The main one is that it provides security to the files when they are shared on internet and reduces the disk space required of the particular files. Data present in ZIP file can be accessed easily without any difficulty and you can also protect ZIP files with password so that it can be safe from unauthorized access.

Though Zip files are easy to use and transfer files over internet, they may get broken and becomes inaccessible for many reasons. Consider a scenario when you are downloading Zip file, download process suddenly halted showing error warning that the ZIP file is broken. No matter what you try to, the data saved in the Zip file cannot be accessed. Well! There is no need to get worried! This is not the permanent loss of data! The corrupted ZIP file can be repaired successfully by using the best Zip repair tool.

What are the causes for broken Zip files?

  • Viruses can damage the file structure of respective Zip file and makes it inaccessible for the user
  • Abrupt halt during the download process of the Zip file due to network breakdown or system shutdown can cause serious damage to Zip file
  • Sometimes as increase in number of bad sectors on storage media can also cause corrupt Zip files saved on it
  • CRC errors also do occur in the Zip file when there is a mismatch between the amount of data that is sent as compared to the amount of information that is received by the system
  • Sudden loss of power during the extraction process of the Zip file can lead to its corruption leading to loss of all the valuable information that was saved in it

Broken Zip File Repair Tool

The user can easily fix broken Zip file and get access to his valuable information without damaging the original files using right Zip file repair software. Built with the inclusion of most advanced features, Yodot Zip Repair tool is highly recommended by all the software professionals when the compressed ZIP folder is corrupted, broken or damaged on account of various scenarios mentioned above. Simple graphical user interface that is specifically designed in this repair application helps you in following the proper procedure for repairing broken Zip file. Yodot Zip Repair tool has powerful repair engines that allow the user to repair both ZIP/ZIPX files that are highly encrypted or password protected for security purpose. The best part of the repair tool is that, it can be installed on all computers or laptops running on all versions of Windows operating systems like Windows Server 2003, 2008, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and also on the latest Windows 8.

Directions to fix broken Zip File:

  • Download and install Yodot Zip Repair tool to the Windows OS
  • There will be a shortcut icon present on desktop on completion of installation process
  • Run the software and follow the instructions that are provided on the main screen
  • Click “Browse” button, to select the Zip file that has been broken due to certain reasons
  • After the file is selected click on “Repair” button that will start the repair process immediately
  • The software goes through the entire contents of broken Zip file and fixes the damaged part
  • The repair process can be seen through the progress bar provided in next screen
  • On completion of the Zip file repair process, the user is provided with the list of contents that are stored in the respective file
  • Save the repaired Zip file by choosing desired destination location

Backup Tips:

  • Install best antivirus application in the system to prevent virus infection
  • Keep back up of the Zip files and update them regularly
  • Always scan the contents of the Zip file before extracting it to the computer or laptop

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